JANUARY 30th!! Columbia Church launch!

27 Oct

Well, as we have prayed, worked, and gathered support for 2 years, we are so excited to finally announce that Columbia Church will finally have an official launch on January 30th, 2011!!

Many of you have been waiting to hear us say, “We’re launching.”  Well, the wait is over, and now it’s time to gear-up.  As Grand Opening approaches, we feel as though we are on an airplane runway preparing for take-off.  The final procedures checklist is being checked, the passengers are buckling their seatbelts, the captain and crew are verifying readiness; and we believe that your participation will make the difference between mediocrity and excellence when the plane is ready to fly.  We still need more money; we still need more people; and the work is far from over, but the next phase of the journey is within sight.


Next, there are a few events scheduled for the remainder of the year that we want you to put on your calendar.

November 7th and December 5th are UpStreet Live.  UpStreet Live is our environment for elementary-age children, with a full-scale production and a small group environment rolled into one.  This will be the best hour of your child’s week.  And adults, remember that there’s an intentional place for you at UpStreet Live, too.  So plan to stay and hear more about how Columbia Church strategically implements Family Ministry environments.

November 21st is our next adult gathering.  We want everyone to be with us for this event as we begin to turn our focus toward being prepared for Grand Opening.  Family Ministry environments will be in full swing, too.  So bring the kids!

One Response to “JANUARY 30th!! Columbia Church launch!”

  1. Ben Byxbe October 27, 2010 at 12:09 pm #

    Well-worded! Write that yourself?

    Super excited about Launch, too. Been a long time coming 🙂

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